Recruitment for the Doctoral School

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Dear Candidates,

The admission procedure to the doctoral schools of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań is opened pursuant to Resolution No. 478/2023/2024 of the Senate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 18 December, 2023 on the rules of admission to doctoral schools of Adam Mickiewicz University in  Poznań.

Candidates can now apply for enrolment in one of 22 scientific disciplines.

Please note that the Online Admission System (IRK) is now up and running.

Feel free to review the offer of the doctoral schools of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

All the information related to the doctoral schools is available here: 


Good luck

Registration phases


  • Language(s) of instruction

  • Groups of studies

  • Organizational units

No. Offer Phase 1 Phase 2
51 Social and economic geography and spatial management from: 19.08.2024 00:00
to: 26.08.2024 23:59
52 Sociology from: 19.08.2024 00:00
to: 26.08.2024 23:59
53 Study on 'the dialogue human with place.' Extention of the place agency concept to identify the human-environment relationship and record environmental signs of climate changes from: 15.07.2024 00:00
to: 06.08.2024 23:59
54 Theology from: 21.08.2024 00:00
to: 23.08.2024 23:59
55 “Urban greenery mitigates the effects of urban heat island: a comparative study of Beijing and Warsaw” - kierownik prof. dr hab. Piotr Matczak from: 03.09.2024 00:00
to: 18.09.2024 23:59
56 Urban greenery mitigates urban heat island effects: A comparative study of Beijing and Warsaw from: 29.10.2024 16:00
to: 10.11.2024 23:59
57 Uwarunkowania zintegrowanej ochrony dziedzictwa archeologicznego w lasach Wielkopolski. Leśnicy, archeolodzy i lokalne społeczności w kontekście krajowych i międzynarodowych uregulowań prawnych, from: 10.06.2024 12:21
to: 14.06.2024 23:59
58 Zmiany w układzie neuroendokrtynowym chrząszczy indukowane związkami pochodzenia naturalnego - rozwój nowych narzędzi do kontroli populacji owadów - kierownik dr hab. inż. Paweł Marciniak from: 01.09.2024 00:00
to: 15.09.2024 23:59
from: 15.11.2024 09:00
to: 20.11.2024 23:59
Pages: 1, 2, 3
page length
Page length: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200