Recruitment for the Doctoral School

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Code SD-NSoc
Organizational unit Doctoral School of Social Sciences
Area/discipline Sociology
Form of studies Full-time
Language(s) of instruction English, Polish
Admission limit 3
Duration 8 semesters
Recruitment committee address Wydział Nauk Socjologicznych UAM, ul. Szamrzewskiego 89 Poznań , mgr Marzena Pawłowska
Office opening hours 9:00 - 14:00
WWW address
Required document
  • Documents entitling to study
  • Documents entitling to study
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There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (19.08.2024 00:00 – 26.08.2024 23:59)


The Doctoral School of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań offers opportunities to study and conduct scientific research in the international, as well as in the national and regional dimension. The school educates doctoral students in the discipline of social sciences: social and economic geography and spatial management, communication and media studies, political science and public  administration, law, sociology, pedagogy and psychology. The study program covers four semesters, during which doctoral students conduct interdisciplinary scientific seminars, scientific methods of scientific research, scientific workshops, methods of scientific work in a scientific discipline, soft skills workshops and specialist lectures. Program in Polish and in English.

Discipline: Sociology

Sociology has a long tradition in Poland and was initiated in the interwar period, when in Florian Znaniecki built a team around the Institute of Sociology in Poznań, laying the foundations for the creation of one of the key branches of Polish academic sociology genealogy.

The contemporary profile of doctoral student education is related to the tradition of the centre, but the scale of this education and its specificity is more in line with contemporary social sciences ( This means two currents of education: on the one hand, works using statistical tools. On the other hand, the studies of culture and everyday life, conducted with the largest group of doctoral students. One of the areas concentrating the research effort of the Institute is the Archive of Research on Everyday Life (, which is a testing ground for the preparation of numerous dissertations and a source of practice within the framework of the study.

Selection Committee   

         prof. UAM dr hab. Monika Frąckowiak-Sochańska - chairwoman

  • dr hab. Przemysław Nosal
  • prof. UAM dr hab. Marek Nowak
  • prof. UAM dr hab. Ryszard Cichocki
  • prof. UAM dr hab. Witold Wrzesień
  • prof. UAM dr hab. Monika Oliwa-Ciesielska


    Schedule of  the Doctoral  School enrolment procedure: 

·         acceptance of documents: from 19 to 26 August, 2024
 ·        admission process: from 2 to 9 September, 2024
 ·        announcement of the list of candidates qualified for admission: 18 September,  2024
 ·        submission of paper documents: from 23 to 24 September,  2024.

Recruitment fee

The recruitment fee is 75 EUR.

Form of the selection procedure

One stage procedure.

Language of the selection procedure, including interviews:

Polish or English language. 

Required documents:

            An applicant for admission to a doctoral school shall register in the IRK (Internetowa Rejestracja Kandydatów – Candidate Internet Registration) system and submit documents in electronic form.
          Candidates are required to:  
1)    complete the registration form and attach an electronic photograph of 20 mm x 25 mm at a resolution of at least 300 dpi;
2)    specify the scientific discipline in which the candidate will be trained at the doctoral school;
3)    consent to the processing of candidate’s data for admission purposes;
4)    enter the results of the diploma examinations;
5)    attach a CV;
6)    attach a scan of a letter of motivation, signed in their own handwriting, indicating the scientific discipline in which the candidate wishes to obtain a doctoral degree;
7)    enclose a scan of a copy of a higher education diploma confirming the attainment of a qualification at level 7 of the Polish Qualifications Framework, or, in the case of graduates from the academic year 2023/2024, who have not yet been awarded a diploma, a certificate confirming the attainment of a qualification at level 7 of the Polish Qualifications Framework. In the case of candidates who apply for admission to doctoral school on the basis of the highest academic achievement, the following is required respectively: for graduates of first-degree studies, a diploma of completion of these studies with a supplement, and for students after the 3rd year of uniform master's studies, a certificate of the average point score obtained from years 1 to 3, together with a transcript;
8)    attach a scan of a hand-signed declaration that they do not plan to enrol in another doctoral school and that they do not hold a doctoral degree;
9)    attach a scan of a hand-signed statement of documented achievements and documents confirming these achievements - the achievements to be evaluated should be indicated:
a)    up to 3 - in the case of scientific achievements;
               b)    up to 3 - in the case of other achievements; 
10)  attach a scan of a hand-signed proposal of an original research project, and in the case of admission in connection with the implementation of a research project - the author's concept of the implementation of the grant project, together with a bibliography (up to 8 pages of a standard typescript, max. 15,000 characters with spaces);
11)  attach a scan of the hand-signed application for admission to the doctoral school downloaded from the IRK system, 
        12) pay the enrolment fee.

 1.        Candidates who have obtained the necessary education outside the territory of the Republic of Poland, shall additionally submit:

1)    a photocopy of a document which confirms their education, certified to be a true copy of the original document, i.e. a diploma with a supplement confirming completion of first cycle studies (Bachelor degree) and a diploma with a supplement confirming completion of second cycle studies (Master degree, MSc, MA) in the original language and in a certified translation into English or into Polish,

            2)    a photocopy of their passport. 

 Evaluation criteria

The following shall be taken into account during the admission procedure:        

 1)    the grade awarded for the diploma of the second cycle studies or single cycle five year master’s studies - maximum 10 points; in the case of candidates who seek admission on the basis of superior academic achievements ("Pearls of Science") - 10 points;

 2)    evaluation of the candidate's scientific activity and scientific achievements; the candidate indicates for evaluation up to three documented scientific achievements, in accordance with the achievement criteria adopted by the selection committee for a given discipline - maximum 15 points;

 3)    evaluation of the candidate's other documented activity, based on a maximum of three achievements consistent with the achievement criteria adopted by the selection committee for a given discipline - maximum 5 points

 4)    the result of the interview, with the scope of the interview including:

 a)    the candidate's knowledge and competencies relevant to the planned research and appropriate to the indicated scientific discipline,

 b)    elements of research methodology appropriate for the discipline indicated.

 No more than 50 points can be awarded for the interview; the maximum duration of the interview is 30 minutes.

 5)    evaluation of the research project prepared and submitted for assessment to the selection committee (maximum 20 points), with particular emphasis on:

 a)    the ability to formulate the research objective and present the research problem;

 b)    research idea and the ability to propose a solution;

 c)    methodology appropriate to the discipline indicated;

          d)    knowledge of the state of research with a basic bibliography. 

Condition of admission to the Doctoral School 

Each candidate may be awarded a maximum of 100 points in the selection procedure.A candidate will be admitted to a doctoral school if he or she is awarded a sufficient number of points awarding a place on the ranking list, within the limit of candidates for a given scientific discipline; the candidate must also obtain at least 60 points from the entire selection procedure.

Education Program

Education at the doctoral school lasts 8 semesters. Education at the Doctoral School  is offered on the basis of a framework curriculum and an individual research plan and ends with the submission of a doctoral dissertation.

The framework curriculum at the doctoral school includes a catalogue of modules of compulsory classes, elective compulsory classes and optional classes. It also:

1)    defines their schedule

2)    defines the way in which the classes are taught

3)    defines how learning outcomes are verified.

Education begins on 1st October, 2024.


A doctoral student works under the supervision of a supervisor or supervisors, or a supervisor and auxiliary supervisor, who will be appointed by the Deputy Rector at the request of a doctoral student (within 3 months of the start of his or her studies at the Doctoral School).


Each doctoral student receives a scholarship in the amount of PLN 3466.9  gross for the first two years of studies (before the mid-term evaluation) and PLN 5340.9 gross  for two years following mid-term evaluation (maximum 4 years). Disability allowance: PLN 1040 gross.

The amount should be reduced by 11,26% due to ZUS (social insurance) contributions.


Rules of admission to doctoral schools of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań in the academic year 2024/2025, Appendix to Resolution No. 478/2023/2024 of UAM Senate of 18th  December, 2023.