Registration for short-term studies

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Erasmus+ Student (Studies)

Organizational unit Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Language(s) of instruction English
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There is currently no active phase.

Upcoming phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (01.04.2025 00:00 – 15.07.2025 23:59)

Only students from partner univeristies (having valid Erasmus+ bilateral agreement) can participate in Erasmus+ programme.


The student must be nominated by his/her home university for short-term studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.

The nomination should be sent to the e-mail address: by the deadline:


31st May - for the winter semester/full year

30th November - for the summer semester


Course catalogue in English:

The course catalogue in English is available at:

Please note that in order to take part in the classes offered in English, your language level must be at least on B1 level.


  • students interested in the offer of the Faculty of Modern Languages, please contact the faculty directly:

  • students interested in an offer of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts in Kalisz please contact the faculty directly: Mrs Klaudia Waroch - Ciamciak MA 

Required documents:

  • scan of passport/identity card
  • online Learning Agreement so called OLA (prepared online via a dedicated platform); the OLA does not have to be attached anywhere. If the OLA is signed by the incoming student and the coordinator(s) from her/his home university, it will be automatically downloaded by our system.

    by the student, her/his home university coordinator and AMU Erasmus+ Coordinator


The processing of the application can take up to two weeks


